

Hello there and welcome to my little blog!
I am usually pretty horrible at describing myself because I can't get through a paragraph without all of the silly details strewn about! But I like to express myself through my photographs... from the way the sun makes the crystals of snow glisten, to the smiles on beautiful peoples' faces. Photography is my passion- the one part of me that I can share with the world in about a thousand words or so! haha
I'm just a quiet girl who loves to listen and observe this amazing thing called LIFE.
I grew up on a little island in Eastern Canada and now reside in North-West Montana. I have a love for nature (creation) and enjoy capturing it with a set of lens to share the majestical beauty of even the simplest things.
I am slowly moving into the world of "people" photography (I suppose there is a better way to explain it, but alas my description skills are horrible haha). You'll find a mixture of photography - from senior portraits to maternity and some weddings. My ultimate goal is to perfect my art and move into full-time wedding photography.
If you have any inquiries about my work or anything I have failed to cover, please leave a comment! I would love to hear from you!

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All photos, unless otherwise stated, belong to me, Cameo. If you would like to borrow a photo or two, please ask me. Thanks for visiting!